Friday, April 15, 2016

Macro photography

This is a photo of a plant. In the photo there is snow at the bottom of the plant but is hard to tell because the camera is focused on the top of the plant. To edit the photo I made the green come out more and the photo a little brighter. 
This is a photo of those red things in a bush full with snow. This photo is cool because the only color is red and it pops out. I made the red come out more so it stands out. I also made the photo darker because the snow makes the photo brighter. 
This is a photo of a flower with water on it. I took this photo at this angle to make sure you can see the water and not have a background. I made the photo darker so there would not be a background and it would just be blacked out. I also made the color on the flower come out more. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


This is a photo of the city at night. This reminds me of night because it is night and all the lights are on and thats what I think of when night comes. To edit i increased the saturation and vibrance of the photo so the blues would come out more and the yellows in the light came out more.

This is a photo of lightning I took. I took this in the middle of the night during a storm. This photo was so bright because of the light that it created a lot of noise. To fix the noise I blurred the photo and did not blur the lightning so it would still stand out but would not have that much noise.

This is a photo of a small town. This is at night and it is also very calm and peaceful because there are no cars and the town is quiet. I added brightness and contrast. This photo also has a lot of noise but leaving it alone left the photo fine.