Friday, September 4, 2015

post 3

This is a photo that i increases the hue to make it this color. I originally added curves to the light and dark would look god. Then i did a color balance. After i added a green hue. This looked cool with the sun so i took the picture decreasing the amount of light coming in.

This photo i made black and white. I did this because it seemed better to make it look older. This looked better because the colors did not go well with each other. i took this photo because it shows a specific form of the building and the letters.

This photo I decreased the light to make the shadows darker. I did this to emphasize the trees and the sun shining on them. I took this in the courtyard. I took this because it had a good angle on the trees hanging over the patio. 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Post 2

This image has good focus. It was taken to show the light and darkness through a shadow in the grass. It would've been better if it focused on the difference of light that is being taken in.
This photo shows a good focal point. The shading through out the image is good. it can use a little bit of editing to make the focus on the tree better. I took this photo because it looked good for a center of a photo.  
This is another perspective of the art wall. I edited it adding more color and taking out some light. I took this photo because it was a good angle. It needs to be cropped and that's about it for editing.