Tuesday, January 19, 2016


This is technology because it is a button to open a door. This button is automatic and makes something move and is outside of the classroom so this is technology. I edited it to make it be in the rule of thirds and not in the middle of the picture. I also made It darker so the bricks come out in the background a little better. 
This is also technology because it's triggers an alarm to go off from somebody pulling the alarm. I took a picture of this because it's technology that nobody really thinks is technology. This is equipment that is developed from the application of scientific knowledge therefore is technology. I edited this picture to make it more bright and red. 

This is a photo of a mac apple sign. I took this because the sign is so widely known and is cool. I edited it so that there was less light so it did not reflect anything and took the color out so its just black and white.