Tuesday, November 24, 2015

post 15

This is a photo of a tree. I did not edit this photo but should have lowered the amount of light to make the colors on the tree come out more.
This is a photo of the fine arts building. I took this because the light made the building look cool with the letters on the side.
This is a photo in vocational. I thought I would take a photo because the letters were cool. I decreased the light and increased saturation to make the yellow come out more. 

post 14

This is a photo of a cactus. I focused the camera on the yellow to make it the focus point of the photo. I made the photo a little darker and the colors come out more.

This is a photo of a tree. I took the picture to show how the branch curves. I did not really focus on anything so the picture is blurry. I made the light coming through the leaves more bright so it stands out.

This is a photo of a branch of leaves on a bush. I focused the camera on a single branch to make it stand out the most in the photo. It is a little blurry but I edited it to make it more bright and more colorful.

post 13

This is a photo of Jack holding a feather. I took this because his shirt had its own art and the feather is supposed to be the central focus. I made it a little brighter but increased shadows and made the colors come out more. 
This is a photo of a fuzzy. I took this to make it the central focus of the photo. I edited it to make the colors come out more but made it brighter too.
This is a photo of the walkway outside. I took this because it was clear skies and it was pretty. I made the colors brighter and the photo had darker shadows. This is a good photo for a central focus.