Monday, February 22, 2016


                       The mirror
This is a photo of a mirror wearing a hat. This photo shows personification because the mirror looks like a face. This mirror symbolized that no matter what you look like you're original. This shows its not about what people see when they look at you it's about how they think of you and that shows who they are when they look at themselves in the mirror. I edited the photo to look darker so it reflects around the mirror. I feel I didn't need to edit it anymore because to me the photo looked good. 
                         The chair
This is a chair wearing a jacket and sticker notes to resemble a face. The chair is not alive but looks like it because of the jacket and face. Playing with the angle of light shows that the chair resembles somewhat of checks for the face when the light makes a shadow on them. 
                    The computer
This photo overall is not the best quality. It looks personified because the computer is the person wearing the hat. To better this picture I should've gotten a better camera or focused it better. The objective was to get the whole screen black to it somewhat blocks out a face for the computer. The hat is out of focus and is blurry. To fix that I should've took longer and spent more time taking this picture.  

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